Sunday, August 22, 2010

The First Week

Ah, the joys of school.
I have to be honest, I expected a heavy work load this year...only really from AP English Literature. Deciding last year that I was going to be taking this course felt like I was signing my life away to a future of nonstop essay writing, and indeed it felt as if my grave was being dug by simply thinking of taking other classes. So far there has not been so much work, but I feel the work just around the corner, watching like a demon in the shadows. With the most recent school loop post hinting at an essay next week (which is merely the second week of school), I know now that the past year's seniors were right; I'm going to get my butt kicked.
Surprisingly, I'm completely fine with that.

As long as I can still sleep, that is.

Moving on to other topics that are more academically motivated than just my feelings about school, I already find myself feeling incompetent. Despite my above average ability to write a decent essay, I feel as if in class I simply cannot generate ideas. Or, if I do think of anything, I cannot properly translate it into English. I feel that it completely defeats the purpose of speaking better in Spanish when your native language is English and you're sitting in AP English Literature. But I digress...
My ideas for the Yeat's poem were all mediocre, if that. Perhaps it is simply just the dust being shaken off of the old noggin, but I hope that soon my mind will be stimulated enough that I can actually think.
Or seem intelligent.
Both would be nice.

In a while crocodiles.

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